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The Evangelical & Reformed Synod 

The Evangelical & Reformed Synod, constituted on September 14, 2024 is a United Magisterial Protestant church dedicated to the pure Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Synod unites confessional, liturgical Protestants from every Reformational tradition and heritage into one body in our Lord Jesus Christ. 


Being of one mind, heart and Spirit in our Lord is essential to our church. Our church confesses the Augsburg Confession, the 39 Articles of Religion, Luther's Large and Small Catechisms, the Evangelical and Heidelberg Catechisms, and the Marburg Articles. Consider praying about and joining us today! 

One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism

[Ephesians 4:4-6]

The Evangelical and Reformed Synod is a confessional Protestant church with over 15 congregations and clergymen already involved since our launch on September 14, 2024. We are praying that like-minded Christians, congregations and clergymen would join our Synod as we worship our one Lord and God in unity of mind, heart and Spirit according to the holy Word of God.


Our church is confessionally and liturgically Protestant with a blend of every Reformational tradition within our pale (such as Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican). We do not bicker about vanities or pet doctrines; instead we gather together around one Lord and work hand in hand in spreading the Gospel. The pure and free Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ must be preached from the rooftops in this perverse and crooked generation; we must baptize and make disciples of all men. Our church guards against the wickedness of modern society and chooses rather to preach and live according to apostolic doctrine and pattern of living, in imitation of our Blessed and Divine Saviour and Lord. 


We worship One God in Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Join us today! 

Church in Brazil

Upcoming Events



Revival Meetings

9:00 AM -

3:00 PM


Support the Synod

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

Financial contributions offered to the Lord through our Synod go to 1) preparing pastors by providing a completely free seminary training course; 2) supporting missions and missionaries oversees; 3) building churches and schools oversees while providing for the basic needs of orphans, true widows and the poor; 4) purchasing Bibles and church articles for plants and missions; 5) website and social media fees; 6) synodical gatherings for official church business; 7) the support of clergymen and their families; 8) home schooling projects and efforts.


A yearly financial report can be reviewed here: 


Thanks for submitting!

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